torek, 21. april 2015


Castle Kozjak from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
The castle was built after the year 1250. First written account of the castle is from the year 1332 as castrum Cozyak. First known owner of the castle was knight Ulrik Kozjak in 1274. According to historian Valvasor the last descendant of noble family Ludvik Kozjak was in 1475 captured by the Turks at the Battle of Bizeljsko and they sold him back to the family for 2000 florins. Soon after returning home he died because he was poisoned by the Turks. Ludvik was the first commander of Carniola provincial cavalry. The castle was abandoned at the end of the 17th century

ponedeljek, 20. april 2015


Castle Turjak from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Name of the castle Turjak is derrived from now extinct animal tur which is also depicted in the coat of arms and jak which means strong. The word tur was brought to Slovenia around the year 400 BC. when the Gauls colonized the area. In their language tur means mountains. According to historian Valvasor on the site of today's castle once stood a prehistoric iapod city called Aurupium. Valvasor also writes of the first castle "Old Turjak" built by Konrad von Auersperg in 1067. The castle was abandoned in the 15th century and its ruins are preserved at the foot of the today´s new castle Turjak. In 1162 was the first mention of Turjak Knight Engelberus de Vrsberch. The first old noble family of Turjak became extinct in the 13th century. In 1318 was the first mention of both Turjak castles when they were destroyed in a war between
Henry Gorizia - Tyrol and the Habsburgs. In the 15 and 16th century the castle was besieged by the Turks 3 times but they could not conquer it. After the great earthquake in 1511 Trojan Turjak destroyed the damaged castle and in 1520 began constructing a new one. In 1515 castle was attacked by farmers in the all-Slovenian peasant revolt but they also were not able to conquer it. During the Italian military occupation in the Second World War the castle´s rich archive was stolen. During the 2nd World War in September of 1943 in Turjak castle battle ensued between the partisans and village guards. Partisans captured about 500 anti-communist units and burned down the castle. Restoration of the castle started in1962.

Castle Turjak and ruins of old castleTurjak
author: Erminy, Franz Wolf (around 1830)

Castle Turjak before destruction in 1943

nedelja, 12. april 2015


Castle Zuzemberk from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Castle was first mentioned in1246 as castrum Sausenberc in marchia Slavica. Name of Seis-en-berg is derived from the German word eisen (iron) and berg (hill area). The original fort was probably built as early as year  1000. In 1559 the illegitimate son of Auersperg with 18 Neapolitan Cuirassiers took the castle by surprise and became its master for only one night. Father, baron Herbart Auersperg attacked the castle and won it back. In the battle has fallen 36 soldiers including his illegitimate son. Their bodys were thrown of the castle walls and left for wild animals. In 1575 in the castle yard a domesticated bear killed wife of Ivan Auersperg, Anna von Eck. In memory of the tragic event he planted in the middle of the courtyard a linden tree, which was maintained for 424 years. In the year 1999 the tree was cut down. This event  finished nobleman line of Schonberg, because Anna had no children and her husband Ivan stayed single. In 1591 castle was severely hit by fire. The castle was never a target of Turkish invasions because it was so strong. In 1635 farmers attacked the castle, but they were defited.  In 1670 a fire burned down the market by the castle. In 20th of July 1721, 45 year old Barbara Rojc tried to escape from the dungeon  . She dropped a rope through the tower window and tried to climbe out, but fell and broke her neck. In 1898 a new mannor was built and the administration was moved from castle to a new location, which resulted in the abandonment of the castle and its gradual collapse. In 1945 the castle was bombed by allied aircraft missiles.

On a white coat of arms is a depiction of a golden jaguar in a rampant pose. Jaguar represents: power, ferosity, and valor; the power to face one’s fears. Position rampant means a willingness to fight. The golden metal colour represents: the magnificence, reputation, dignity, wealth and is awarded for special merits. The white metal colour was probably ment as a green colour as is still in use today. The meaning of green is freedom, joy, hope, grace and health.
Coat of arms of Zuzemberk from the book,
Opus insignium armorumque, 1687-1688
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Castle Zuzemberk in year 1914
Military map of Castle Zuzembek (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)


Mannor Smuk from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Smuk manor is for the first time explicitly mentioned in 1629. It was built by Otto Semenitsch in the middle of the 16th century. The original castle Semenitsch from the 12th century and the headquarters of the Semenitsch knights was destroyed by the Turks in 1547 and the nobleman´s moved to  mansion Smuk. The mannor and the surrounding area, severely suffered from frequent Turkish and incursion army raids. The area of the mansion is called Turn (tower) and there is a possibility that the nearby church of Sv. Lawrence is at the site of a previous guard tower. According to tradition, noblemans of the mannor Smuk were very cruel to their inhabitants. The settlement Smuk is mentioned in 1490, 1500 1541 and 1558 as Smockaw. From the year 1755 the settlement Smuk is no longer mentioned. In 1902, the last owner Šušterič uncovered the roof of the mansion, which led to the collapse of the building.

At the end of 16th century, Count Henrik Paradeiser 
From 1662 baron Franc Bernard noble Lichtenberg
In the year1846 the owner was Martin Kuralt
Karl and Franc Kavšek bought it in 1888 and sold it to Tomaž Radl in 1899.
Before the WWII the owners were family of Hutar.

Mannor owners Paradeiser

Ruines of mannor Smuk


Castle Rozek from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Knights Rosegkh built the castle in the early 13th century. First written mention of the castle is from 1249, as Reizekke. Castle was abandoned in the 19th century.

Ruins of the castle

Military map of Castle Rozek (1763-1787)

četrtek, 9. april 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Mannor Ainöd from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Dolenjske Toplice
Settlement: Soteska
GPS:45°46'48,41" N 15°1'8,81" E

Mannor Soteska was built by Count Jurij Ziga Gallenberg between years1664 and 1689. Mannor was by Valvasor´s opinion, one of the finest in the land of Carniola. On the opposite bank of the river Krka are the ruins of a medieval castle old Ainöd. Mannor was built on the site of the previous demolished tower mentioned as turren Aynod in 1454. After the year 1840 was in mannor an operating brewery. On the October 22, 1943 manor was looted and burned down. Locals used it as a quarry.

In the immediate vicinity of the mannor stands the Devil´s turn. About him circulates a story that the lord of the mannor Soteska in times of severe poverty from settlers requested tax which they were not able to pay, and in return the lord demanded that farmers send him their daughters over which he exercised his sexual desire. Farmers cursed the tower and gave it the name of Devil's Tower.

Author: Franz Kurz zum Thurn und Goldenstein (1834-1867)

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Municipality: Dolenjske Toplice
Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Dolenjske Toplice
Settlement: Loška vas
GPS:45°46′50.63″N 15°0′40.49″E
Castle alt Ainöd from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
The word soteska (ainöd) means ravine or canyon. 

The castle was first mentioned in 1313 as Ainöd, even though according to the testimony of historian Valvasor it stood as early as 1231. The castle was destroyed by warlord Jan Vitovec in 1440 in war with the Habsburgs. In the year 1506 it was abandoned. According to Valvasor the castle was surrounded by triple walls and towers. The castle stood on a rock and had prisons cut in the rock, where they imprisoned and tortured Turks. The Turks gave it special name of "Green Castle".

sreda, 8. april 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Semič

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Semič
Settlement: Stranska vas pri Semiču
GPS:45°37'53,91" N 15°13'32,55" E

Castle Krupa from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Name Krupa is derived from the nearby river Krupa.

First written mention of the castle is from the year 1427 as castrum Cruppa. It was probably built in the 13th century but all medieval records are lost. In 1565 castle Krupa was attacked and looted by the Turks. In 1942 castle was set on fire and it burned for two weeks. Later locals used castle ruins for qarrying stones for building new houses.

Castle Krupa in 1893, author: Jos. Germ.
Ruins of the castle

Before the year 1374 and to the year1418 it was owned by Counts Ortenburg
1418 - 1456 Counts Cilli     
at the end of 15th century Andrej pl. Hohenwart       
1483 -1704 Counts Purgstal
1704 Johann Michael Androk
1710 Count Franc Adam Lamberg   
1723 Count Karl Henrik Wazenberg   
1723 -1735 Count Franc Bernard Lamberg
Approximate from1735 - 1772 Peter Paul pl. Bonazzi
1773 -1796 baroness Apfaltrer-Bonazzi   
1796 -1904 baron family Apfaltrer       
1904 -1912 Danijel Makar and Julij Macele   
1914 -1918 Land bank in Prague       
1918 Josip Zurc    

Military map of Castle Krupa (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Metlika
Settlement: Mlake
GPS:45°36'4,04" N 15°15'40,93" E
Mansion Krasinec from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Manson Dominece was built by Peter Dominič who owned the estate in 1563 and named it after itself. In the late 17th century the owners were noble family of Gusič. In 1888 the owner was Henrik Grünwald and in 1896 Emanuel Kühnel.

torek, 7. april 2015


Municipality: Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Metlika
Settlement: Krasinec
Mansion Krasinec from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
The name Krasinec means splendid.

According to written account of historian Johann Weichard Valvasor, the mansion  Krasinec was built in the year 1686. The mansion was built on the site of a previous castle estate which has already been burned down twice by Vlachs. On the location of the mansion was a big pigeon house. Due to the exposure of incursion army predatory attacks the mansion was abandoned and destroyed. From the late 18th century mansion is no longer mentioned.
The only known owner of the mansion Krasinec was its builder Johann Adam nobleman Purgstall. In the year 1715 is mentioned Jurij Sigfrid Purgstall who died in the mansion but was not its owner.

Castle owners B/Purgstall

sreda, 1. april 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Metlika
Settlement: Gradac
GPS:45°36'48,61" N 15°14'46,55" E

Castle Gradac from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Name Gradac shows to the previous late ancient fortyfied settlement on the location of the castle and the name was later transfered to the castle.

First indirect written mention of the castle is from the year 1393 as Grecz schloß. It was supposed to be build just before the year 1300 by Mainhard Auersperg.

Coat of arms of noble family Gussich and previous owners of the castle,
 on the door in front of the castle

Castle owners from left to wright: Auersperg, B/Purgstall, Gusitch


Military map of Castle Gradec (1763-1787)

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

petek, 27. marec 2015


Municipality: Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia

Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Metlika
City: Metlika
GPS:45°39'5,6" N 15°19'3,37" E

Castle and city Metlika from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
The origin of the name Metlika has supposed to came from fugitive people of Japods from their former capital city Metulum, which was conquered by the Romans with twelve legions in 33 BC. Survivors of the newly established town named it Metlika in the memory of the lost city.

First written mention of the castle Metlika is from the year 1338 as Möttling. In the year 1431 castle and city Metlika were conquered by  8.000 headed army of the Turks. City was then still largely built of wood and Turks managed to kill most of the population and the rest were taken as prisoners of war to be sold as slaves, the church was torn down and valuables stolen. The settlement was fortified in to a city in the 15th century because of the Turkish threats. Castle was in the begining and at the end of 18th century burned down but later rebuild.

On a white shield is a depiction of a red tower with two raven guards. White is a metal colour that represents purity, cleanliness, innocence, wisdom and joy. The tower represents safety and grandeur, color read represents right, strength, courage, dignity and love. The black ravens represents divine providence and colour black perseverance, humility, peace, death, ruin and sadness.
Coat of arms of the city Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
In old days Metlika was just a village. One of the lord commanded the settlers to built castle Pungart next to the village, which was guarded by castle guards. In the castle lived an evil countess. She took from farmers their grain, wine and livestock. Anyone who resisted was sent to prison where they were thrown to the bottom of the castle tower, left to die.The Countess cursed whenever she got angry. When she did, then everyone froze with terror and fear. Whomever she cursed was turned into stone.One day the Turks started attacking close to Metlika. The Countess orderd her guards to wake up all the servants if they got closer to the castle. One night the guards fell asleep and Turks climbed the walls and broke into to the castle. Countess realized that the Turks had come. She was angry and miserable cursed the two guards. Her curse has turned them into a black ravens, which flew on the roof of the castle tower. The Turks killed the evil Countess and burned down the castle. Only castle tower remained, which the fire has not touched. The Turks have repeatedly attacked Metlika but settlers have heroically fought against them and therefore got city rights and Metlika became a city.Over time, the castle tower collapsed into dust and of castle Pungart was left no trace. With the help of this story was created city coat of arms, which represents the castle tower and the two seated enchanted guards turned into ravens.

In the 16th century the owners were Counts Allaps, next were croatian nobleman Frankopans. In the 18th century the ownership of the castle was under Zagreb Cathedral Chapter, after fire in 1790 the owner become innkeeper Jozef Savinsek. In 1899, Savinsek sold Castle Metlika to People's Loan Bank of Ljubljana.

Military map of Castle and market Weinitz (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)