nedelja, 12. april 2015


Castle Zuzemberk from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Castle was first mentioned in1246 as castrum Sausenberc in marchia Slavica. Name of Seis-en-berg is derived from the German word eisen (iron) and berg (hill area). The original fort was probably built as early as year  1000. In 1559 the illegitimate son of Auersperg with 18 Neapolitan Cuirassiers took the castle by surprise and became its master for only one night. Father, baron Herbart Auersperg attacked the castle and won it back. In the battle has fallen 36 soldiers including his illegitimate son. Their bodys were thrown of the castle walls and left for wild animals. In 1575 in the castle yard a domesticated bear killed wife of Ivan Auersperg, Anna von Eck. In memory of the tragic event he planted in the middle of the courtyard a linden tree, which was maintained for 424 years. In the year 1999 the tree was cut down. This event  finished nobleman line of Schonberg, because Anna had no children and her husband Ivan stayed single. In 1591 castle was severely hit by fire. The castle was never a target of Turkish invasions because it was so strong. In 1635 farmers attacked the castle, but they were defited.  In 1670 a fire burned down the market by the castle. In 20th of July 1721, 45 year old Barbara Rojc tried to escape from the dungeon  . She dropped a rope through the tower window and tried to climbe out, but fell and broke her neck. In 1898 a new mannor was built and the administration was moved from castle to a new location, which resulted in the abandonment of the castle and its gradual collapse. In 1945 the castle was bombed by allied aircraft missiles.

On a white coat of arms is a depiction of a golden jaguar in a rampant pose. Jaguar represents: power, ferosity, and valor; the power to face one’s fears. Position rampant means a willingness to fight. The golden metal colour represents: the magnificence, reputation, dignity, wealth and is awarded for special merits. The white metal colour was probably ment as a green colour as is still in use today. The meaning of green is freedom, joy, hope, grace and health.
Coat of arms of Zuzemberk from the book,
Opus insignium armorumque, 1687-1688
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Castle Zuzemberk in year 1914
Military map of Castle Zuzembek (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

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