sreda, 8. april 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Semič

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Semič
Settlement: Stranska vas pri Semiču
GPS:45°37'53,91" N 15°13'32,55" E

Castle Krupa from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Name Krupa is derived from the nearby river Krupa.

First written mention of the castle is from the year 1427 as castrum Cruppa. It was probably built in the 13th century but all medieval records are lost. In 1565 castle Krupa was attacked and looted by the Turks. In 1942 castle was set on fire and it burned for two weeks. Later locals used castle ruins for qarrying stones for building new houses.

Castle Krupa in 1893, author: Jos. Germ.
Ruins of the castle

Before the year 1374 and to the year1418 it was owned by Counts Ortenburg
1418 - 1456 Counts Cilli     
at the end of 15th century Andrej pl. Hohenwart       
1483 -1704 Counts Purgstal
1704 Johann Michael Androk
1710 Count Franc Adam Lamberg   
1723 Count Karl Henrik Wazenberg   
1723 -1735 Count Franc Bernard Lamberg
Approximate from1735 - 1772 Peter Paul pl. Bonazzi
1773 -1796 baroness Apfaltrer-Bonazzi   
1796 -1904 baron family Apfaltrer       
1904 -1912 Danijel Makar and Julij Macele   
1914 -1918 Land bank in Prague       
1918 Josip Zurc    

Military map of Castle Krupa (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

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