nedelja, 12. april 2015


Mannor Smuk from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Smuk manor is for the first time explicitly mentioned in 1629. It was built by Otto Semenitsch in the middle of the 16th century. The original castle Semenitsch from the 12th century and the headquarters of the Semenitsch knights was destroyed by the Turks in 1547 and the nobleman´s moved to  mansion Smuk. The mannor and the surrounding area, severely suffered from frequent Turkish and incursion army raids. The area of the mansion is called Turn (tower) and there is a possibility that the nearby church of Sv. Lawrence is at the site of a previous guard tower. According to tradition, noblemans of the mannor Smuk were very cruel to their inhabitants. The settlement Smuk is mentioned in 1490, 1500 1541 and 1558 as Smockaw. From the year 1755 the settlement Smuk is no longer mentioned. In 1902, the last owner Šušterič uncovered the roof of the mansion, which led to the collapse of the building.

At the end of 16th century, Count Henrik Paradeiser 
From 1662 baron Franc Bernard noble Lichtenberg
In the year1846 the owner was Martin Kuralt
Karl and Franc Kavšek bought it in 1888 and sold it to Tomaž Radl in 1899.
Before the WWII the owners were family of Hutar.

Mannor owners Paradeiser

Ruines of mannor Smuk

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