petek, 27. marec 2015


Municipality: Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia

Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Metlika
City: Metlika
GPS:45°39'5,6" N 15°19'3,37" E

Castle and city Metlika from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
The origin of the name Metlika has supposed to came from fugitive people of Japods from their former capital city Metulum, which was conquered by the Romans with twelve legions in 33 BC. Survivors of the newly established town named it Metlika in the memory of the lost city.

First written mention of the castle Metlika is from the year 1338 as Möttling. In the year 1431 castle and city Metlika were conquered by  8.000 headed army of the Turks. City was then still largely built of wood and Turks managed to kill most of the population and the rest were taken as prisoners of war to be sold as slaves, the church was torn down and valuables stolen. The settlement was fortified in to a city in the 15th century because of the Turkish threats. Castle was in the begining and at the end of 18th century burned down but later rebuild.

On a white shield is a depiction of a red tower with two raven guards. White is a metal colour that represents purity, cleanliness, innocence, wisdom and joy. The tower represents safety and grandeur, color read represents right, strength, courage, dignity and love. The black ravens represents divine providence and colour black perseverance, humility, peace, death, ruin and sadness.
Coat of arms of the city Metlika
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
In old days Metlika was just a village. One of the lord commanded the settlers to built castle Pungart next to the village, which was guarded by castle guards. In the castle lived an evil countess. She took from farmers their grain, wine and livestock. Anyone who resisted was sent to prison where they were thrown to the bottom of the castle tower, left to die.The Countess cursed whenever she got angry. When she did, then everyone froze with terror and fear. Whomever she cursed was turned into stone.One day the Turks started attacking close to Metlika. The Countess orderd her guards to wake up all the servants if they got closer to the castle. One night the guards fell asleep and Turks climbed the walls and broke into to the castle. Countess realized that the Turks had come. She was angry and miserable cursed the two guards. Her curse has turned them into a black ravens, which flew on the roof of the castle tower. The Turks killed the evil Countess and burned down the castle. Only castle tower remained, which the fire has not touched. The Turks have repeatedly attacked Metlika but settlers have heroically fought against them and therefore got city rights and Metlika became a city.Over time, the castle tower collapsed into dust and of castle Pungart was left no trace. With the help of this story was created city coat of arms, which represents the castle tower and the two seated enchanted guards turned into ravens.

In the 16th century the owners were Counts Allaps, next were croatian nobleman Frankopans. In the 18th century the ownership of the castle was under Zagreb Cathedral Chapter, after fire in 1790 the owner become innkeeper Jozef Savinsek. In 1899, Savinsek sold Castle Metlika to People's Loan Bank of Ljubljana.

Military map of Castle and market Weinitz (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

četrtek, 26. marec 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia

Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Pobrezje
GPS:45°31'52,07" N 15°18'42,96" E

Castle Freythurn from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Freyturn Castle was built as a fortress against the Turkish invasions at the site of one of the most common route of incursions in Low Carniola. Castle was build in the year 1557 by baron Ivan Lenkauitsch after aaproval of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I.  Despite repeated Turkish siege of the castle it has remained unconquered, and hence the name of Freedom tower. Within the castle walls was the market.
In 1575 from castle Freythurn started huge invasion of combined Carniola, Styria and Carinthia regions with their best knights Herbard Auersperg and Frederick Weichelstein and rode into battle against a larger Turkish army.  They were defeated by the Turks in Budacka. Herbard and Friderik were captured and their heads were chopped off and taken in Istanbul for display. 

Herbard Auersperg
1528 - 1575
During World War II castle was twice burnt down and plundered. Local used ruins as a stone quarry for building new houses. Church of St. Florian build in 1697 by Adam Count Burgstall is also in ruines. Last mass inside the church was in the year 1859.

Author: Germ, Josip
Year: 1893
Castle Freyturn in 1938 (before destruction)
Author: Bozo Racic

Ruines of castle Freyturn in 2010
in progres...

Coat of arms of the founder of the castle Freyturn, lower Carniola Commander, Deputy Commander in Bihac, Zumberak governor, captain of Senj incursion army and General of region Military Frontier, Croatian Baron Ivan Lenkauitsch "Lenkovič".
Castle owner Lenkauitsch
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688

In 1564 the castle was bought by Christopher nobleman Burgstall from castle Crupa. Castle was Inherited by his son Adam Burgstall. Subsequent masters were baron George Lenkauitsch in 1599,  Burgstall 1614, Count Andrej Danijel Barbo, Joseph Leopold Bonazzi 1752, Countess Francis Auersperg 1773, Alojz Apfalter 1797, Catherine Gall, Janez Christopher, Janez Balazar, Jernej and Michael Monfrienoma. In 1904 Danijel Makar and July Mazelle. In 1914 it came into the ownership of the Land Bank in Prague, next Anton Urca and dynasty Rauch.
Castle owners from left to wrigh: Lenkauitsch, Burgstall, Barbo, Auersperg
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Military map of settlement and castle Freythurn (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

sreda, 25. marec 2015


Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola

Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Pusti gradac
GPS:45°31'5,74" N 15°11'55,56" E

Castle Pusti Gradec from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Location on which castle was build was once a prehistoric fortified settlement. The first direct mention of the castle is from 1597, when the first known owner Gasper Krizanic is mentioned. No other previous medieval record is known. Indirectly, it is mentioned in 1615, when a soldier Henrik Plasmann was the owner of the mansion. Henrik was massacred by the Turks in Podlog when he was returning to his wife Elizabeth Gall. A ballad was written for this event by a poet Ritter von Kalchberg. Older son Franc Plasmann was sentenced to death for the murder of his stepfather, but he escaped from prison and hide in Croatia. Croatian Count Frankopan made him a manager of his estates, but was soon imprisoned because of damage he has done to the estete. He spend the rest of his life in prison. Last of the noble family, Matej Plasmann was a captain of a horse Croatian Company. He was also killed by the Turks when returning home, and so family of Plasmann went extinct. Castle was abandoned in the 19th century and by the year 1916 was already in ruines.

Auf seiner Burg in Krainerland
Nach schweren Türckenkriegen
Saß Heinz von Plasmann, weit bekannt
Ob seinem Muth und Siegen;
Denn mancher brave Ritter sank
Durch seinen Speer beim Rennen
Odft seine durst` ge Klinge trank
Das Blut der Sarazenen...

Author:  Ritter von Kalchberg, published in Laibacher Wochenblatt 1818.

 Captain Gasper Krizanic in the year 1597, Henrik Plasmann in 1615, in the first 17th century Countess Barbara Kacijanar, Matej Plasmann from the year 1635 baron Karel Vajkard Burgstall, Janez Mihael Androka, Count Franc Bernard Lamberg in 1722, Peter Pavel Bonazzi from 1735 to 1772, baron Apfaltrer to the year 1904.
Castle owners Burgstall
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Turkish invasion
According to legend, Castle Pusti Gradec was invaded and conquered by the Turks. Lordships have fled through a secret passage to a more fortified castle Brdarci, which locals named "Castle Meta". During  retreat from the castle Pusti Gradec nobleman were shouting "leave the castle!" and hence the name of Pusti Gradec which means Leave the Castle.

Church of all Saints
In the church by the castle Pusti Gradec villagers hung a new bell. According to the old custom, they were not allowed to ring it before the bell was baptized. One of the villagers was impatient and could not wait until the priest blessed the bell. In the middle of the night he sneaked to the church and pull the rope of the bell and the ringing echoed around the area. Then come to the church the devil himself, and said, What is not baptized shall be mine! He took the bell deep into deep river Nerajcica. When the next morning, people find out where the bell is, they have decided to be pulled it out of the river. However, under the direction of Pastor in this work was not allowed to speak to anyone until the bell will not be in the church. Bell had had on the rope and they pulled strongly. Since it hardly moved toward the surface, one of the villagers shouted: God help us! As he spoke, the rope teard and the bell sank deeper into river. The bell was never seen again, and in the church under the bell tower it is said you can still see the imprint of the Devil's hoof.
Church of all Saints in Pusti Gradec
Military map of settlement and castle Pusti Gradec (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

torek, 24. marec 2015


Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola

Municipality: Crnomelj
City: Crnomelj
GPS:45°34'15,56" N 15°11'33,64" E

Castle and city Crnomelj from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Castle Crnomelj was build in the year 1165 by the knight Oton Karstberg. Region of Crnomelj was attached to Lower Carniola in the late 12th century when the knights of  Weichselburg won this part of previously Hungarian kingdom. First known written record of settlement Crnomelj is from the year 1228 as Schirnomelj. Settlement became market in the year 1277 and was turned in to a city in 1407. On the location of the city was a prehistoric fort on which was later build roman fortress.
Castle and city Crnomelj
Author: Johannes Clobucciarich in the year 1601 - 1605
On a black coat of arms is  a depiction of a red Tower. Black colour symbolizes perseverance, humility, peace, death, ruin and sadness. The tower symbolizes safety and grandeur. Color red symbolizes strength, courage, dignity and love.
Coat of arms of Crnomelj from the book,
Opus insignium armorumque, 1687-1688
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Military map of Crnomelj (1763-1787)

Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

ponedeljek, 23. marec 2015


Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola 
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Breznik pri Dragatusu
GPS: 45°31'7,46" N 15°9'34,15" E

Tower Thurn and the estate from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Tower was probably built in the 14th century. In written sources it is first mentioned as Wilhalmen Semenitsch Turret in the year 1463. Second time it is mentioned as Draganntutsch vnder dem Turnn in 1490. Despite serious invasions of the Turkish army in this area the Turret was never taken. Turks managed to destroy church of St. Neza by the Tower, and it walls collapsed in the spring creek called lake. The upper part of the Turret  was a prison for women the lower part for men. The chapel of St. Andrew in the estate eventually fell apart. Around the Turret was a beautyfull flower garden which was surrounded by walls, and is still partly preserved. Near the Turret is a French cave in which the squires from castle Polland According to oral tradition plunge in the captured French soldiers, who were charged with theft. With the help of some locals, the soldiers were rescued from the pit and then in retaliation burned down old castle Polland. In the18th century the Turret was demolished.

Ruins of the estate by the Tower Turret

Later known owners were Counts Frankopans, next were knights Guraltics. At the beginning of the 16th century Jakob Strauss, who sold it to nobleman Sigmund Pyrsch in 1509. In the year 1550 the Turret was in posetion of noble family Schnitzenbaum. From year 1621 the owner was Mihael Bernardic. At the end of 17th century the owner was baron Janez Jurij Apfaltrer. In second half of the 18th century the owner was nobleman Janez Jozef Ruess Ruessenstein. In the year 1791 the Turret was bought by nobleman Nikolaj Pavnovic. In the year 1841 the Turret was aquired through marriage by Matija Primic. In the year 1856 the Turret was bought in an auction by nobleman Franc Friedau. In the year 1882 it was in the posesion of Austrian alpine mining company. In the year 1888 the owner was Hinko Grunwald and in the year 1896 Emanuel Kuhnel.

Military map of tower Turret at the settlement Bresnik (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

nedelja, 22. marec 2015


Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola 
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Blacksmith`s castle (Kovacji grad)
GPS: 45°26'14,7" N 15°13'40,91" E

View of rocky pier where the castle once stood
Above the steep rocky slope of the river Colpa once stood the Blacksmith castle protected with wall of towers, which is also mentioned in the book Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689. The old name of the castle was Wolffsperg which means wolf fortress. The near by village is called Vukovci (wolf village) after the castle. According to the testimony of local villagers the abandoned castle was destroyed by the earthquake, and it collapsed in the river Colpa. Castle forge survived the earthquake and continued to operate. Eventually it transferred the name to the castle hence Blacksmith castleThe remains of the castle were destroyed when the new road was build through ruins. Today in a thick bush you can see only a few stone walls. The castle also had a secret karst cave, the location of which is unknown. In 1895, Anton Hribar published a poem entitled Blacksmith`s daugter.

Castle ruins in 2010
Military map of castle ruines and settlement Blacksmith` castle (1763-1787)

petek, 20. marec 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola 
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Vinica
GPS: 45°27'34,44" N 15°15'21,66" E

Castle and market Weinitz from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Johann Weichard Valvasor (1641-1693), wrote in his book (Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain) that castle Weinitz was build before year 1082. The name of castle and market Weinitz, is derived from latin word Vinitium. Castle was build on the ruins of a previous roman fortress. Castle is indirectly mentioned in 1228 and directly in 1279. In the year 1469 and 1471, were two of the worst attacks by the Turks on market Weinitz, but they never managed to win. Location of the castle is sitted on the border between Slovenia and Croatia on the main road to historical region lower Carniola. At today`s border crossing stood a defense tower. In the year 1555 the castle Weinitz was almost completely destroyed by the fire. The market itself was twice burned down on 8. August 1874 and 28. March 1888. In the 18th century castle was already abandoned. The executions by suspension from the neck were carried out in the place called "vesenik" just out by the market.

Castle Weinitz in the year 2010
Author:  Frey Thurn
On a blue coat of arms is a depiction of a golden Griffin in a position rampant, holding the cluster. Griffin symbol means: courage, defied the courage, alertness and guardian of the treasure. Griffin is a mythological creature composed out of a lion (king of the land) and an eagle (king of the sky). Position rampant means a willingness to fight. Blue color means: honor, glory, honesty, loyalty, sustainability. Gold metal color means: the magnificence, reputation, dignity, wealth and is awarded for special merits. Cluster symbolically represents the main branch of market Weinitz. The coat of arms was abandoned in the year 1924.

Coat of arms of Winica from the book,
Opus insignium armorumque, 1687-1688
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Before year 1082 the castle was owned by noble family Sounegg.
After the year 1082 the owner became Conrad Auersperg.
In the year 1227 the owners were noble family Laasers.
Counts Frankopans were owners around year 1500.
Nobleman Thurn in the year ?
Nobleman Semenitsch in the year ?
Counts Burgstall in the year ?
In the middle of the 18th century the owners were barons Gusitsch.
In the year 1851 the owner become Frand nobleman Friedau.
In the second half of the 19th century the owner was Austrian alpine mining company.
Hinko Grünwald sold his property to the locals in 1891.
Local Miha Malic in the year ?
Teacher Joze Bergant in the year ?
From the year 1925 the owners were family Mihelic.
Castle owners Auersperg (left) and Burgstall (right)
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Author: Johann Weichard Valvasor
During the Turkish threats a refugee resorted to Weinitz under the pretext that he is fleeing from the Turks. He said he was a Christian friend but in fact was a Turkish spy. When settlers find out who he was they torn him to pieces.

One day on the Croatian side of river Culpa came Turkish cavalry. Small troops of settlers fled to the hill Zezelj to the church of St. Mary to find her assistance. They walked around the church, as in a procession and prayed for protection. Turks who have seen this procession thought it to be a mobilized large army and fled. Thanks to Mary settlers decided that they would each year make a pilgrimage to the curch as they still do.
The curch St. Mary was well known pilgrimage site in Slovenia. Inside the curch is one of the most beautifull baroque altars in Slovenia.

Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae
Author: Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724)
Military map of Castle and market Weinitz (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)