sreda, 25. marec 2015


Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola

Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Pusti gradac
GPS:45°31'5,74" N 15°11'55,56" E

Castle Pusti Gradec from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Location on which castle was build was once a prehistoric fortified settlement. The first direct mention of the castle is from 1597, when the first known owner Gasper Krizanic is mentioned. No other previous medieval record is known. Indirectly, it is mentioned in 1615, when a soldier Henrik Plasmann was the owner of the mansion. Henrik was massacred by the Turks in Podlog when he was returning to his wife Elizabeth Gall. A ballad was written for this event by a poet Ritter von Kalchberg. Older son Franc Plasmann was sentenced to death for the murder of his stepfather, but he escaped from prison and hide in Croatia. Croatian Count Frankopan made him a manager of his estates, but was soon imprisoned because of damage he has done to the estete. He spend the rest of his life in prison. Last of the noble family, Matej Plasmann was a captain of a horse Croatian Company. He was also killed by the Turks when returning home, and so family of Plasmann went extinct. Castle was abandoned in the 19th century and by the year 1916 was already in ruines.

Auf seiner Burg in Krainerland
Nach schweren Türckenkriegen
Saß Heinz von Plasmann, weit bekannt
Ob seinem Muth und Siegen;
Denn mancher brave Ritter sank
Durch seinen Speer beim Rennen
Odft seine durst` ge Klinge trank
Das Blut der Sarazenen...

Author:  Ritter von Kalchberg, published in Laibacher Wochenblatt 1818.

 Captain Gasper Krizanic in the year 1597, Henrik Plasmann in 1615, in the first 17th century Countess Barbara Kacijanar, Matej Plasmann from the year 1635 baron Karel Vajkard Burgstall, Janez Mihael Androka, Count Franc Bernard Lamberg in 1722, Peter Pavel Bonazzi from 1735 to 1772, baron Apfaltrer to the year 1904.
Castle owners Burgstall
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Turkish invasion
According to legend, Castle Pusti Gradec was invaded and conquered by the Turks. Lordships have fled through a secret passage to a more fortified castle Brdarci, which locals named "Castle Meta". During  retreat from the castle Pusti Gradec nobleman were shouting "leave the castle!" and hence the name of Pusti Gradec which means Leave the Castle.

Church of all Saints
In the church by the castle Pusti Gradec villagers hung a new bell. According to the old custom, they were not allowed to ring it before the bell was baptized. One of the villagers was impatient and could not wait until the priest blessed the bell. In the middle of the night he sneaked to the church and pull the rope of the bell and the ringing echoed around the area. Then come to the church the devil himself, and said, What is not baptized shall be mine! He took the bell deep into deep river Nerajcica. When the next morning, people find out where the bell is, they have decided to be pulled it out of the river. However, under the direction of Pastor in this work was not allowed to speak to anyone until the bell will not be in the church. Bell had had on the rope and they pulled strongly. Since it hardly moved toward the surface, one of the villagers shouted: God help us! As he spoke, the rope teard and the bell sank deeper into river. The bell was never seen again, and in the church under the bell tower it is said you can still see the imprint of the Devil's hoof.
Church of all Saints in Pusti Gradec
Military map of settlement and castle Pusti Gradec (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

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