četrtek, 26. marec 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia

Historical region: Lower Carniola
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Pobrezje
GPS:45°31'52,07" N 15°18'42,96" E

Castle Freythurn from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Freyturn Castle was built as a fortress against the Turkish invasions at the site of one of the most common route of incursions in Low Carniola. Castle was build in the year 1557 by baron Ivan Lenkauitsch after aaproval of the Austrian Emperor Ferdinand I.  Despite repeated Turkish siege of the castle it has remained unconquered, and hence the name of Freedom tower. Within the castle walls was the market.
In 1575 from castle Freythurn started huge invasion of combined Carniola, Styria and Carinthia regions with their best knights Herbard Auersperg and Frederick Weichelstein and rode into battle against a larger Turkish army.  They were defeated by the Turks in Budacka. Herbard and Friderik were captured and their heads were chopped off and taken in Istanbul for display. 

Herbard Auersperg
1528 - 1575
During World War II castle was twice burnt down and plundered. Local used ruins as a stone quarry for building new houses. Church of St. Florian build in 1697 by Adam Count Burgstall is also in ruines. Last mass inside the church was in the year 1859.

Author: Germ, Josip
Year: 1893
Castle Freyturn in 1938 (before destruction)
Author: Bozo Racic

Ruines of castle Freyturn in 2010
in progres...

Coat of arms of the founder of the castle Freyturn, lower Carniola Commander, Deputy Commander in Bihac, Zumberak governor, captain of Senj incursion army and General of region Military Frontier, Croatian Baron Ivan Lenkauitsch "Lenkovič".
Castle owner Lenkauitsch
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688

In 1564 the castle was bought by Christopher nobleman Burgstall from castle Crupa. Castle was Inherited by his son Adam Burgstall. Subsequent masters were baron George Lenkauitsch in 1599,  Burgstall 1614, Count Andrej Danijel Barbo, Joseph Leopold Bonazzi 1752, Countess Francis Auersperg 1773, Alojz Apfalter 1797, Catherine Gall, Janez Christopher, Janez Balazar, Jernej and Michael Monfrienoma. In 1904 Danijel Makar and July Mazelle. In 1914 it came into the ownership of the Land Bank in Prague, next Anton Urca and dynasty Rauch.
Castle owners from left to wrigh: Lenkauitsch, Burgstall, Barbo, Auersperg
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Military map of settlement and castle Freythurn (1763-1787)
Source: http://mapire.eu/en/
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)

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