petek, 20. marec 2015


Historical region Carniola
Author: Hugo Gerard Ströhl 1890
Municipality: Crnomelj
 Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor

Country: Slovenia
Historical region: Lower Carniola 
Municipality: Crnomelj
Settlement: Vinica
GPS: 45°27'34,44" N 15°15'21,66" E

Castle and market Weinitz from the book,
Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain in 1689
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Johann Weichard Valvasor (1641-1693), wrote in his book (Die Ehre dess Hertzogthums Crain) that castle Weinitz was build before year 1082. The name of castle and market Weinitz, is derived from latin word Vinitium. Castle was build on the ruins of a previous roman fortress. Castle is indirectly mentioned in 1228 and directly in 1279. In the year 1469 and 1471, were two of the worst attacks by the Turks on market Weinitz, but they never managed to win. Location of the castle is sitted on the border between Slovenia and Croatia on the main road to historical region lower Carniola. At today`s border crossing stood a defense tower. In the year 1555 the castle Weinitz was almost completely destroyed by the fire. The market itself was twice burned down on 8. August 1874 and 28. March 1888. In the 18th century castle was already abandoned. The executions by suspension from the neck were carried out in the place called "vesenik" just out by the market.

Castle Weinitz in the year 2010
Author:  Frey Thurn
On a blue coat of arms is a depiction of a golden Griffin in a position rampant, holding the cluster. Griffin symbol means: courage, defied the courage, alertness and guardian of the treasure. Griffin is a mythological creature composed out of a lion (king of the land) and an eagle (king of the sky). Position rampant means a willingness to fight. Blue color means: honor, glory, honesty, loyalty, sustainability. Gold metal color means: the magnificence, reputation, dignity, wealth and is awarded for special merits. Cluster symbolically represents the main branch of market Weinitz. The coat of arms was abandoned in the year 1924.

Coat of arms of Winica from the book,
Opus insignium armorumque, 1687-1688
Author:  Johann Weichard Valvasor
Before year 1082 the castle was owned by noble family Sounegg.
After the year 1082 the owner became Conrad Auersperg.
In the year 1227 the owners were noble family Laasers.
Counts Frankopans were owners around year 1500.
Nobleman Thurn in the year ?
Nobleman Semenitsch in the year ?
Counts Burgstall in the year ?
In the middle of the 18th century the owners were barons Gusitsch.
In the year 1851 the owner become Frand nobleman Friedau.
In the second half of the 19th century the owner was Austrian alpine mining company.
Hinko Grünwald sold his property to the locals in 1891.
Local Miha Malic in the year ?
Teacher Joze Bergant in the year ?
From the year 1925 the owners were family Mihelic.
Castle owners Auersperg (left) and Burgstall (right)
from the book Opus insignium armorumque 1687-1688
Author: Johann Weichard Valvasor
During the Turkish threats a refugee resorted to Weinitz under the pretext that he is fleeing from the Turks. He said he was a Christian friend but in fact was a Turkish spy. When settlers find out who he was they torn him to pieces.

One day on the Croatian side of river Culpa came Turkish cavalry. Small troops of settlers fled to the hill Zezelj to the church of St. Mary to find her assistance. They walked around the church, as in a procession and prayed for protection. Turks who have seen this procession thought it to be a mobilized large army and fled. Thanks to Mary settlers decided that they would each year make a pilgrimage to the curch as they still do.
The curch St. Mary was well known pilgrimage site in Slovenia. Inside the curch is one of the most beautifull baroque altars in Slovenia.

Tabula Ducatus Carnioliae, Vindorum Marchiae et Histriae
Author: Johann Baptist Homann (1663-1724)
Military map of Castle and market Weinitz (1763-1787)
Franciscan cadastre of Carniola (1823-1869)


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